This a game player for Lone Wolf game books 1 to 12 published by the Project Aon.
- Books download from the Project Aon
- Play the books!
- Action Chart and Random Number Table management
- Save the game at any book section
- Export and import saved games
- Translations to English and Spanish
The app does NOT contain any Project Aon book content. It can be downloaded from inside the app.
We do not own ANY right over the books. The books were created by Joe Dever, and are distributed by the Project Aon (, under the Project Aon license.
The app logo is the Spanish Project Aon logo, used with permission
Have fun!
这是由Aon项目发布的Lone Wolf游戏书籍1到12的游戏玩家。
- 从Project Aon下载书籍
- 玩书!
- 行动图和随机数表管理
- 在任何书籍部分保存游戏
- 导出和导入已保存的游戏
- 翻译成英语和西班牙语
该应用程序不包含任何Project Aon书籍内容。它可以从应用程序内部下载。
我们对书籍没有任何权利。这些书籍由Joe Dever创建,由Project Aon(根据Project Aon许可证分发。
应用徽标是西班牙Project Aon徽标,经许可使用